Gary Paul in a Dashiki
Photo ©2022, Diana Oliver

About Gary Paul:

Gary Paul is, first and foremost, a storyteller. Be it as an author, an essayist, or a performing songwriter, he reaches out to audiences with little time to spare, but who seek a meaningful experience in print, song and live performance. His goal is to present situations that resonate and characters they can relate to, so that readers and listeners feel like they've shared an intimate experience with a friend who understands the foibles, sorrows and joys of their everyday lives.


Gary holding the Port Edgerton Chronicles

The Port Edgerton Chronicles is now available on Amazon as either a paperback or an ebook.

Want to support your local book store? Give them the title, author and the ISBN Number: 979-8886791310.

You can also get the paperback version through Barnes and Noble and the ebook version from Goodreads.

How people describe Gary Paul:

Got an opinion?? If, after YOU'VE heard Gary Paul perform & you have a thought or two to add,
or simply want to say hello, just e-mail 'garypaul "at" gary-paulmusic.com'.

PHOTO NOTE: The photos you see here are the work of talented friends which we're honored to display.